1 min readFeb 13, 2021


Positive Feedback and My Happy Day

As a gamer I always wanted to speak about the benefits of gaming and how it helps a country's youth and the GDP of a nation.

At Amal Academy, one day, we were having a session about feedback and the benefits of it. My Program Associates asked me to debate and present my argument on any topic of my preference.

I chose Gaming, jotted down some facts and figures and waited for my turn. With a very structured and passionate tone, I started presenting my arguments.

After summing everything in the given time, it was time for feedback!

While I was preparing, my peers and fellows were preparing to give me negative feedback regardless of how strong and convincing my points were.

I waited curiously for my feedback and BOOM!

I was stormed with negative comments and bashes. At first, I thought it was all joke and fun but seeing no commendable comment made me think about what I did wrong. After a few minutes of extreme negativity, I was told about the reality

